Van The Man On The Waterfront

Vantrader: Shouldn't everybody care about everybody else?

Sellers: Boy, what a fruitcake you are!

Vantrader: I mean, isn't everybody a part of everybody else?

Sellers: And you really believe that drool?

Vantrader: Yes, I do.

Sellers: ...You wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.

Vantrader (complaining): I never met anyone like you. There's not a spark of sentiment or romance or human kindness in your whole body. Besides that, nobody understands your postings!

Sellers: Well what do they think of the easy-money boys who do none of the work and take all of the gravy? You want to know what's wrong with our waterfront? It's the love of a lousy buck. It's making the love of the lousy buck - the cushy job - more important than the music of Van the Man! That's why I'm sendin our boy in there - down to the Waterfront - to do the job!